Closeup of a boy riding an Early Rider bike. Closeup of a boy riding an Early Rider bike. Closeup of a boy riding an Early Rider bike. Closeup of a boy riding an Early Rider bike. Closeup of a boy riding an Early Rider bike.

Early Rider Photography

New Photography for Balance Bikes with Unique Visuals


Creative Direction Photography & Art Direction Styling & Propping Custom Illustration & Typography Production Management


Richard Sibbald Photography

Balance bikes are becoming more and more popular, but many lack personality to differentiate themselves from their competition.

Closeup of someone riding an Early Rider bike on a beach.

Price has become the most notable point of difference, not the quality or experience. We felt strongly that the visual tone of the brand was critical to getting people to notice this great little bike. With a bank of hundreds of shots, Early Rider was able to establish itself as a quality lifestyle brand, and not just another balance bike.

An Early Rider bike on the grass with a kid lying beside it.
Early Rider bike resting beside an ice cream truck.
A polaroid picture of a bike resting on the sidewalk.
Early Rider bike laying on the grass.
A boy eating ice cream and leaning on an ice cream truck. Early Rider bike is resting on the side of the ice truck.
Polaroid images of a sign at the beach.
Closeup of an Early Rider bike seat.
Few children on the grass sitting on Early Rider bikes.
Wooden floorboard that has chalk writing that says
Early Rider bike leaning on a board walk at the beach.
A little girl riding on an Early Rider bike.
Polaroid picture of the palm trees.
Kids on the beach riding Early Rider bikes.
Polaroid picture of a skateboard rink.
Early Rider bike leaning on rocks.

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