An can of In Good Order. An can of In Good Order. An can of In Good Order. An can of In Good Order. An can of In Good Order.

In Good Order

Where Fun and Irreverence Sparkle in the Ready-to-Drink Ocean


Brand Strategy & Positioning Product Naming Creative Direction Brand Identity Packaging Launch Campaign Social Content Marketing Collateral Brand Guidelines

Jacknife began working with Arterra, Canada’s largest wine producer, on their innovation pipeline to develop new product concepts for their first foray into the ready-to-drink (RTD) category with wine-based hard sparkling sodas.

An illustration of a beach with palm trees.

In auditing the “better for you” space significant to the product’s target demographic, we quickly realized that whatever we did would need to break free from the “clean” or “sterile” aesthetic and sea of bi-chromatic minimalist offerings that existed.

Our research also revealed that an XM strategy was critical to appealing to the 21-35-year-old consumer who consciously makes decisions to avoid all the bad stuff (high calories, sugar, and alcohol content) that typically accompany having a good time. We got to work creating a brand platform, name, visual identity, and packaging for In Good Order—a fun and irreverent brand with an inherent tension between its serious name and unapologetically playful graphics.

3 different cans of In Good Order.

When it came time to bring the product to market, we led the campaign development and worked collaboratively with Arterra’s PR and media teams on a holistic campaign approach centered around XM programming—and then COVID hit. Pivoting under pressure, we took the campaign completely digital, including digital ads and organic social content, platform launch on Instagram, paid Facebook, Instagram stories, and in-feed animated and static ads. Shifting the campaign strategy also inevitably included a change from “Seriously Good Fun” to “The Unlost Summer” to imbue positive messaging into the campaign with saving summer and tropical vibes.

Illustration of a beach with palm trees.
Various mobile displays of a social media page.
A laptop display with In Good Order Cans on the screen.

In spite of the challenges and resulting changes along the way, the campaign achieved Arterra’s goal to drive brand awareness based on impressions as well as fulfilling sales objectives. All this was possible through a solid brand platform combined with agile and proactive strategies to launch the new brand successfully.

Various open booklets.

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Recording in Progress